Fuego Box Craft Hot Sauce Club

- SuckerPunch Spicy Garlic Pickles - $12.99
- Boneyard's Spicy Bloody Mary Mix - $34.99
- Hot Habanero Chile Pepper Nuts - $6.60
- Wasabi-Coated Peanut Brittle - $12.99
- Monin Spicy Chocolate Syrup - $9.20
Light up some taste buds right alongside the Christmas tree or Menorah with a Fuego Box craft hot sauce club subscription for your favorite spice fiend. Dad or Gramps can't take the heat? No problem. Fuego has a Mellow Box 3-pack ($29.95) in their collection of hot sauce gifts too. You can save the extra spicy Loco Box ($39.95) for your father-in-law.
A hot sauce club filled exclusively with craft and small-batch releases, Fuego Box has traveled the world tasting heat, hot, and fire, and collecting some of the finer specimens they've found to bring back for you. And for Dad, your little brother, and Uncle Joe. And for the tacos, BBQ, and pizza you'll sauce up and sweat together over as you beg bystanders (i.e., Mom) to crank on the AC.
That said, while Fuego Box delivers the fire, their goal is not to scorch your tongue or ship you bottled gimmicks. Instead they hope to "deliver you the best hot sauces that you've probably never heard of." When you purchase a subscription, either as a gift or for yourself, you'll receive your choice of monthly or quarterly shipments of 1 to 3 hot sauces you're almost guaranteed never to find anywhere else. Subscription rates range from $86.85 to $179.40.
For the holidays, or if you just want to test out a batch of their hot sauces, Fuego Box is also offering single-shipment gift packs of 3 to 5 hot sauces ($29.95 to $54.95).
Dude readers who enter the promo code DUDE at Fuego Box's online checkout will receive $10 off their purchase.