Fire Dept. Coffee

If you're skeptical about how much firefighters know about coffee, at least consider how much they know about staying awake. Fire Dept. Coffee is a bean brand developed and produced by active and retired firefighters, and "inspired by the vital role that coffee plays in helping firefighters stay alert and energized through long shifts."
Fire Dept. Coffee runs the gamut of flavors and favors, with a little something for every type of coffee drinker. Choose from whole beans, ground beans, or K-cups, various roasts and espresso blends, and, for those who need the energy and alertness of a first responder, Fire Dept. Coffee's high caffeine Skull-Crushing Espresso. The brand also has 7 different single origin beans, an entire Donut Shop line, and an impressive series of Spirit Infused Coffee.
I myself have brewed a few pots of Fire Dept.'s Rum Infused Coffee and was immediately transported to my childhood: cringing after sneaking a sip of my grandpa's coffee, and then having him give me one of his buttery hard candies to get the taste out of my mouth. The Fire Dept. experience was especially nice because coffee makes me coo rather than cringe now, and I haven't thought about my grandpa and butter rum candy in ages.
Also in the Spirit Infused Coffee lineup are whiskey, bourbon, tequila, and some limited edition flavors, such as Blackberry Bourbon and Apple Pie Whiskey.
Fire Dept. Coffee has also founded the Fire Dept. Coffee Foundation, a charitable organization that donates to groups and services supporting firefighters and first responders who have been injured on the job, are facing major health problems, or are suffering from mental illness.