Inflatable Shark Squirt Gun

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Must be a slow day because this inflatable shark squirt gun has me right enamored. (And also giggling like a school girl because the first time I wrote that sentence I made a typo and called it the "inflatable shart squirt gun.") Normally when I see a shark I'm afraid it's going to bite my face off, but this shark, despite its nefarious eyes and ominous razor grin, is threatening to do no more than snot me! Ha! I love it! The perfect quirky gift for Summer 2021.
Which cannot come fast enough.
I also love that whatever Chinese factory makes the inflatable shark squirt gun makes an inflatable T-Rex squirt gun too. And while the water itself shoots out of the dino's mouth like you'd expect, the grip and trigger to activate the spray make it look like you're squeezing and pressing T-Rex's pee-pee. Teeheeheeheehee. More giggling! is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.