Find the Poo - A Seek & Find Book

Posted: July 13, 2019
Find the Poo - A Seek & Find Book
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In Find the Poo dog owner Joe Shyllit* turns the great mystery of the disappearing dog dump into a fun and challenging seek & find game. Think Where's Waldo with nature photos and turds.

Most pooch owners out for a walk with their pet have experienced this particular brand of poo pickup awkwardness at least once: Ollie squats and tucks, you look away out of courtesy / disinterest, and next thing you know he's trotting off, or maybe kicking at the ground. Either way, he isn't standing guard over the poo or pointing a paw at it waiting for you to retrieve. Not like you would do for him. So you walk over with your cotton candy blue plastic bag and take your own squat to go in for the pickup. It's right...

...uh, right...uh...shit. Where's the shit? Ugh, all these dead leaves and dirt around camouflaging it. Or maybe it's hidden in some overgrown grass or an ivy patch. Dang, how long do you have to root around for it?

What if you step in it the poo while you're trying to Find the Poo?

Should you just walk away and risk either passive aggressive or outward shaming by other pedestrians who might have seen you?

Should you do a fake pickup and just grab a handful of whatever's hiding the poo?

In "22 sharp color photographs" Shyllit shares your pain, and gives all dog owners the opportunity to hone their poo-finding skills. A great gift for pet lovers, the book is also odor- and texture-free, and allows seekers not just to Find the Poo, but to Find the Poo Without Worrying About Where You Step.

*It can't be a coincidence that a dude with the word "shit" in his own name felt the urge to write a book about his dog's poo."

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