Catch The Moon Dexterity Stacking Board Game

Posted: October 22, 2022
Catch The Moon Dexterity Stacking Board Game
Check It Out

You'll feel over the moon if you can Catch the Moon and win this dexterity stacking board game, but beware of the sore losers who might moon you in response.

Loosely similar to reverse Jenga, at least in its balance and dexterity requirements, Catch The Moon has players take turns rolling a die, which will instruct them to place ladders in a specific position. The ladders, obviously, grow upward turn by turn, with the goal of reaching the sky, and catching the moon.

Anytime the ladder structure topples over, the player responsible gets a raindrop. The player with the fewest raindrops at the end of the game is the winner.

The Catch The Moon board game is recommended for players ages 8 and up.

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