Camp No Counselors - Summer Camp for Grown-ups

- O2 Cool Deluxe Necklace Fan - $10.67
- Homesick Scented Candle - Summer Camp - $29.95
- UNO Wilderness Card Game - $9.99
- Camp Journal 2018: Small Journal for Summer Camp - $6.99
- Camp Friends Autograph Pillowcase - $19.99
Camp No Counselors, in a nod to the nostalgia and the worry-free days of childhood, brings all the joys of summer camp to grown-ups. Swimming in the lake. Kayaking down the river. Archery. Singalongs. Bunk beds. Sneaking off for first kisses after dark. Oh, and also an open bar, nightly theme parties, and NO COUNSELORS.
So, yeah, Camp No Counselors brings all the joys of summer camp, plus all the fixin's for a weekend of total drunkenness, debauchery, and sexcapades to the over-21 crowd. Kind of like a rustic singles' resort, or a Burning Man for bros and hipsters.
Camp No Counselors runs sessions across the US, plus a couple cities in Canada, moving locations every weekend from May through October. Those who sign up for the sleepaway camp will purchase an all-inclusive ticket for lodging, food, activities, booze, and an escape from the stresses of adulting.
Camp No Counselors lodging keeps it real with bunk beds (presumably, males and females board separately) and classic camp activities, including water sports, arts & crafts, and gathering in one big group around a flagpole. Based on the photos of past sessions campers seem to be in the late-20s to early-30s age range.
Locations for the 2018 Camp No Counselors season included Austin, Boston, Calgary, Chicago, Denver, Florida, LA, Nashville, New York, Seattle, and Toronto. There are still plenty of spots left for upcoming August - October 2018 camp sessions.