The Best Gifts for Revealing Yourself to Your Crush
It's just a little crush. Or is it a big crush? A tortuous, all-consuming, restless-nights-of-pining crush? A crush you feel like you'd do absolutely anything for...except sit them down, look them in the eye, and tell them how you feel?
If words and bravery escape you, or you just want to get creative, here are some alternatives to professing yourself with speech (or text messages) to s/he who infatuates you. I've put together a collection of simple, relevant gifts to give to your crush in a big feelings reveal. They might make the process easier and, if you choose wisely, score you a first date.
Note: Gift prices are marked as they were at printing. Prices, unlike your deep and powerful feelings for your crush, are subject to change without notice.
Orange Crush T-Shirt
With a card that says "You are my..."
Or if you're not that brave yet, maybe something a little more vague, like, "I found a T-shirt with your name on it."
Mix Tape USB Flash Drive
Complete with a heart cut-out case so you can write down the names of all the mp3s you've pre-loaded onto this 1GB storage device for him or her.
Tip: Be sure to scan your system for viruses before making the data transfer and presenting your crush the flash drive. Don't want to be passing on digitally transmitted diseases before you even go on a first date.
Lovepop Pop-Up Card
Go the straightforward sweet 'n' thoughtful route, but add a unique twist with a bouquet of paper flowers - or a whole cherry blossom tree! - delivered to your crush when she opens a Lovepop pop-up card.
For ladies hoping to woo a boy crush, Lovepop also makes more masculine Star Wars and dinosaur pop-up cards.
Bourbon Lip Balm
"I love the taste of bourbon on my lips - I bet I'd love the taste of it on yours even more."
And if your crush throws the tube of Bourbon Lip Balm back in your face? Well. Lube up your own lips and drown your sorrows in Woodford Reserve, Vitamin E, and cocoa butter.
Crushed Candy Cane Bits
"I was going to give these to you whole, but I've been crushing on you so hard they broke."
It's probably just as easy - and cheaper - to buy some candy canes, or another confectionery of your choice, crush them yourself, and put them in a bag. But buying the pre-crushed version means the peppermint stick bits are also pre-sealed, and won't look as creepy as handing someone a Ziploc baggie of busted up candy.
FlipBooKit Maker Kit - DIY Hand-Cranked Movie
Make your crush a little thoughtful, low-tech GIF with this DIY hand-cranked movie machine. Maybe you have a video of the two of you hanging out, or some funny / sweet frames of just him or her. Or an animal clip you both like. A flower blooming. Ryan Gosling looking up all sexy and then breaking into a smile.
Just maybe think twice about recording your crush on the sly and turning that into a FlipBookit. Could come off as a little "Every Breath You Take."
Fundies - Underwear Built for Two
For those of you who are fed up with being timid and shy about telling your crush how you feel, and just want to go in with a big, ballsy move.
Sure, maybe you'll get slapped across the face. But maybe too the risk-return ratio will fall in your favor.
Beef Jerky Flower Bouquet
Here's a terrific gift idea for those of you with crushes who are: 1) a dude; 2) a Paleo-eatin' lady you met at Cross-Fit; 3) a grizzly bear.
Say It with Beef makes jerky flower arrangements for any type of crush out there who would be way more likely to stop and smell the roses with you if they could devour them as a high-protein snack afterwards.
Morse Code Bracelet
Your crush doesn't know how you feel? Spell it out for them. In 4 to 15 letters of morse code with one of these custom bracelet options. Up to you whether or not you include the key to help them decipher "I crush on you" or "Go out with me?" For ladies who want a more masculine version of the morse code bracelet, click here.