But Wait, There's More: Gifts with Hidden Surprises
The gifts with hidden surprises here go beyond chewy centers (though I do include a stuffed waffle maker you could use to make chewy centers both surprising and mind-blowing again.) They're gifts nice enough at first glance, worthy of being wrapped and presented to your chosen one and all, but...wait. There's more.
All of these gift picks have something going on beneath their surface that makes them stand out even more than at first glance. Whether it's another layer, a special trick, or a gem you gotta work to get to, they're all packed with hidden surprises to take your thoughtfulness (and the brownie points you'll earn for it) to the next level.
Note: Prices for gifts with hidden surprises are listed as they were at printing. Prices are subject to change.
Secret Jewels Candle Jars
Gift shopping for the ladies: done. The Secret Jewels Candle combines every single thing women love, except babies and puppies, in a neat little package that's not even too big of a pain in the A to wrap.
Enshrouded in foil inside every Secret Jewels cylinder of 100% hand-poured soy is a piece of jewelry, a shiny necklace, ring, bracelet, or earrings for the lady to eagerly anticipate and ooooh, aaaahhhh over when the candle burns down far enough to reveal it. And that's just Secret #1.
Secret #2 is that while the jewelry inside the candle could be a $10 piece of crap, it could also be an authentic diamond or other dazzler valued at up to $200.
Wonderffle Stuffed Waffle Iron
Holy Shmi, mother of Vader! I just watched a Wonderffle - and I mean Wonderffle! - man stuff his waffle with fried chicken. Built-in chicken & waffles! Made possible by this smoky black feat of deep-dish cast iron and 3D honeycomb, the Wonderffle Stuffed Waffle Iron.
The Wonderffle Stuffed Waffle Iron is a personal waffle magic maker for people who like waffles and creativity and indulgence and foodgasms. The 3-piece, modular designs allows you to create a sort of, er, waffle house around an almost limitless number of fillings. You can the remove the stuffed waffle intact, and eat it like a sandwich, or with utensils.
Feisty Pets
The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of huggable animals, Feisty Pets go from adorable, gentle best friends to scary, snarling beast friends when you squeeze their heads. They're the perfect way to teach your kids about the true nature of animals. All cuddly puppy and squishy bear and magical unicorn at first sight, but get too close and...Rrrrrawwwrrr! Back the F off, son, or I'm gonna gnaw your face off!
SlideBelts Survival Belt
SlideBelts' Survival Belt elevates more than just your outdoor adventure pants. The rugged, infinitely adjustable strap culminates in a multi-tool Survival Buckle, made of glass-filled nylon, and filled with an integrated folding knife with bottle opener, LED flashlight, and a ferrocerium fire starter rod.
Money Duck Soap
Money Duck Soap is exactly what it sounds like: plain old bars of duck-shaped soap stuffed with real dollar bills. Or five dollar bills. Or tens, twenties, or even the odd fifty.
Each of these pearberry-scented duckies is embedded with authentic US currency. Of course 80% probably contain the $1 note, but multiple reviewer recipients report having gotten slabs stuffed with $5, $10, and the elusive $50 itself.
Eiffel Tower Hidden Knife
I can't take credit for coming up with the nickname, but think of this Eiffel Tower desktop display piece as your Kneiffel Tower. Because at the ready inside the formidable 15-1/2" landmark stands an 8-1/2" hidden knife! A clandestine blade! A poignard cache!
OK, fine, it's really more of a letter opener.
Game of Thrones Chocolate Dragon Egg
I tried one of Truffle Cottage's Game of Thrones Chocolate Dragon Eggs. And if by "tried" you think I mean "demolished," then you are correct, sir! I think my wife, She-Ra: Princess of Power, ate a couple from the stash of chocolate-covered almonds that tumbled out when I cracked the egg open, but 90% of this nearly 1 pound of chocolate, including the truffle dragon, now sits in my own belly. Merrily and guilt-free.
Defender Rings
While pretty in their pearl and flower styles, Defender Rings carry a deeper purpose under their surface. Figuratively and literally. The self defense rings for women have baubles on top that unscrew to reveal a sharp hidden blade mounted below. During an assault, the Defender Ring's deeper purpose is to go deeper.
Deeper enough to tear through human skin, slash at nerves and blood vessels, and maybe even cut to muscle and bone.
PyroPet Candles
PyroPets are animal candles that slowly melt down to skeletons as the flames eat away their flesh. Surprise!
The pets come in a variety of melty animal flavors, including Einar the Unicorn and Drekki the Dragon, which you see here. They begin as waxen geometric beasts, and burn down to aluminum skeletons.
Legend of Zelda Proposal Chest
This chest is a super geekily romantic way to hide what could turn out to be the best surprise ever for some, and the worst surprise ever for others.
Candace Phillips of AFK for Cosplay handmakes every Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Proposal Chest from stained, bug-resistant cedar. Bug-resistant is good, you know, in case you drag your feet, get cold ones, or use them to run far away from the black-hearted woman you thought you wanted to marry, but turns out her heart is, like, black, and you need to save the Zelda Proposal Chest for someone whose heart is a normal red like the engagement ring box inside it.